for individuals and families
Your needs come first.
At FMS Insurance Advisors, we know making a decision about your individual health insurance can be confusing and overwhelming. Our trained and experienced advisors begin by assessing your needs and asking questions in order to offer the best solutions for your lifestyle and budget.
Our team strives to communicate effectively, answer your questions, and give you time to make a decision.
Our advisors will help determine if you are eligible for under age 65 individual & family health plans. We can help identify if Advanced Premium Tax Credits are available to you, as well the amount you can receive.
Enrollment must be done through your state’s designated Health Insurance Exchange during open enrollment, starting November 1st. FMS Insurance Advisors has MNSure certified navigators for the state of Minnesota and also for other states. Several special circumstances allow for late enrollment. Talk to one of our advisors for details.
If you are 65+ and ready to enroll in MEDICARE
What if you don't qualify for tax credits?
You may still purchase coverage through the open marketplace. We offer many “direct to carrier” plans and can simplify the enrollment process for you!
Health Insurance Plans available for Individuals, Groups or Families under age 65:
- Major Medical (a medical plan that meets the ACA standards)
- Short Term Medical (has a time limit and does not meet the ACA standards)
- Catastrophic Medical (high deductible plan that meets the ACA standards)
- MNSure plans (we are certified navigators for Minnesota)
- plans (for all states except Minnesota)
- Travel Insurance
Additional Ancillary Plans available:
- Dental/Vision
- Cancer
- Hospital/Accident
- Critical Illness
- Disability
What Our Clients Say
“For years I was on my husband’s health insurance plan through his employer. When he retired, I needed to find my own plan since I’m self-employed, but wading through all my options was confusing and so time consuming. FMS found the best plan for me and led me through the enrollment process.”
— Kirsten
Make an appointment with one of our advisors. We’ll find the best fit for you & your family with our partners:
- Medica
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Health Partners
- Preferred One
- UCare